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  It is an incontrovertible1 law of the universe that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What goes up must come down. What goes around comes around. And so after millions of people around the country stuffing themselves full of turkey and potatoes and squash on Thanksgiving, they will wake up from their food comas,2 roll over, and think some version of, Ugh, I feel fat.
  It may be a symptom of a Thanksgiving Day done right, but as many of us know well, it’s not limited to the holiday itself: A sudden dissatisfaction with your own physique3 can strike after any big meal, or in the dressing room, or on the beach, or for reasons unknown. It’s subtly different, and more fleeting, than having an overarching unhealthy body image: It’s “a state, not just a trait,”4 explains Bryan Karazsia, an assistant psychology professor at the College of Wooster. Everyone has those moments—and what’s going on in your mind when they happen isn’t necessarily connected to anything going on with your body.
  You’re internalizing other people’s ideas.
  According to Karazsia, who studies body image, there are three psychological characteristics that make someone more susceptible5 to “feeling fat.” The first is a high degree of internalization, in which people easily adopt others’ beliefs and attitudes as their own. In the context of body image, that can mean absorbing “media images that glorify6 a thin ideal for women or a muscular ideal for men,” he says: “[When] you internalize it, you’ve taken what society said people should look like, and now you’re saying this is what you think you should look like.” The second, along similar lines, is selfobjectification7, when people tie their overall self-worth to their physical appearance.
  You’re extra sensitive to anything that could be taken the wrong way.
  The third characteristic, Karazsia explains, is a high degree of neuroticism8, one of the “Big Five” personality traits defined in part by sensitivity—including to “environmental influences, whether they’re good or bad,” he says. “So if something’s going on in either their environment or their bodies that makes them feel a certain way, they’re more likely to respond strongly to it.” A highly neurotic person, in other words, would be more inclined to take a relative’s, “Wow, should’ve worn those stretchy pants, huh?” as a passiveaggressive barb rather than commiseration from one overstuffed eater to another.9(Incidentally, for your own good, please consider stretchy pants tomorrow.)   You really are a little more bloated10 than usual.

  It’s worth stressing that you can be towards the lower end of the spectrum on each of these three elements and still have that feeling.11 Each one is a primer12 of sorts—not the thing that triggers the fat feeling, but the thing that makes you more vulnerable to whatever does trigger it.
  And sometimes, yes, that trigger is just your body. Maybe something weird is going on with your gut bacteria that’s making you a little gassy.13 Maybe you’re puffed up from sodium after a salty snack.14 Even drinking a ton of water can make you more bloated than usual. All are purely physical phenomena that can cause that “I’m feeling fat” funk15.
  You expect to feel fat, so you convince yourself it’s true.
  But sometimes, the trigger is purely psychological. It’s a stray comment, or the sight of a tabloid spread of celebrity beach bodies—or, often, something as simple as your own expectations.16 Feeling fat is a self-fulfilling prophecy17: In one study published last year, normal-weight teenagers who considered themselves overweight were 40 percent more likely to become obese as adults. And the same pattern can play out in the short term, too; if you assume that you’ll wake up feeling fat the day after a feast, you probably will.
  And that expectation is kind of baked into the DNA of Thanksgiving itself, says Charlotte Markey, a psychology professor at Rutgers University and the author of Smart People Don’t Diet.“It’s such a part of our culture to be sort of disparaging18 about our own bodies,” she says. “This sense of ‘Oh, I’m so fat,’ or ‘Oh, I just ate so much’—it’s culturally sanctioned19. It’s a lot of people’s kneejerk20 response to eating Thanksgiving dinner.” We can feel fat, in other words, because we think we should.
  Which, fine! Look at it another way, and that just means you have permission to own that feeling around this time of year: “I think it’s valuable to emphasize that it’s okay to enjoy food across the holidays and to indulge21 a little bit,” Markey says. “And not feel like you have to worry about it, like you have to embody this sort of backlash the next day.”22 So take another slice of pie and then, just for kicks, see if you can balance the plate on your food-baby belly—it’s Thanksgiving, and reveling in your own gluttony is just part of the holiday package.23 Besides, everyone else is in the same boat. And this time, that boat is filled with gravy24.   1. incontrovertible:(事实)不容置疑的,无可辩驳的。
  2. stuff oneself: 吃得很饱,吃撑;squash: 南瓜属蔬菜;food coma: 指食困,即飯后感觉困倦的状态,coma意为昏迷。
  3. physique: 体形,体格。
  4. 与拥有一个圆滚滚的不健康的体形相比,这略有不同,且更为短暂:这是“一种状态,而不只是一种特征”。overarching: 成圆拱形的。
  5. susceptible: 易感的,易受影响的。
  6. glorify: 美化,吹捧。
  7. self-objectification: 自我物化。
  8. neuroticism: 神经质。
  9. barb: 尖刻伤人的话,讥讽;commiseration: 同情,怜悯。
  10. bloated: 肿胀的,臃肿的。
  11. 值得强调的是,你可能这三种情况都只沾了一点点边,但是仍然感觉自己胖。spectrum:范围,系列。
  12. primer: 导火线。
  13. gut bacteria: 肠道细菌;gassy:(肠胃)胀气的。
  14. puff up: 使肿胀;sodium: 钠。
  15. funk: 沮丧,焦虑。
  16. 它可以是一次偶然的评论,或是在小报上看到明星在海滩大显身材的跨版照片——或者,通常是和你自己预期的一样简单的事情。stray: 零星的,偶然的;tabloid:(刊载大量有关性、名人逸事等报道的)通俗小报;spread:(报刊上)跨两版(或数栏)的文章或广告。
  17. prophecy: 预言。
  18. disparaging: 贬低的,轻视的。
  19. sanction: v. 认可。
  20. knee-jerk: 本能反应的。
  21. indulge: 放纵,纵容。
  22. embody: 体现;backlash: 强烈反应。
  23. 因此,再吃一块馅饼,然后,为了找点乐子,来看看你是否能在你吃出来的“孕肚”上表演平衡盘子——这是感恩节,陶醉在自己的暴饮暴食中只是假期套餐的一部分。do sth. for kicks:为了寻求刺激或乐趣而干某事;revel in sth.: 陶醉于,沉湎于;gluttony: 暴饮暴食。
  24. gravy: 肉汁。
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Rainsford heard a sound. It came out of the darkness, a high screaming sound, the sound of an animal in an extremity(极端状态)of anguish and terror. He did not recognize the animal that made the sound; he
“小陈,我在这里。”  在全国政协委员下榻酒店的门卫处填写资料的我忙寻着声音望过去,何永智正站在酒店门口向我招手,“是重庆市的代表吧。”身边的一个同行向我求证,“是,你采访过?”“没有,听出来的。”  采访过程中,不时有政协委员经过,很多委员都像老朋友一样和何永智打着招呼,第一次当选全国政协委员的何永智笑着说,“我就是重庆的名片,知道重庆火锅的人,就一定记得我了。”  重庆素以“三美”著称:美食、
一件重要物品的长时间延误,暴露出联邦快递在物流管理以及危机公关上存在的诸多漏洞,也再次引发人们对快递行业“使命必达”的质疑    “联邦快递、使命必达!”来自美国联邦快递公司的广告语在中国可谓家喻户晓。  作为一个久负盛名的跨国企业品牌,“快捷、安全、可靠”一直是联邦快递的服务宗旨,并为此取得年收入高达320亿美元的骄人业绩。  然而不久前,联邦快递负责递送的一件重要物品长时间延误,暴露出这家跨国
学哲学出身的郭广昌,显然更习惯于抽象思维,在他瘦小身材和随和的外表下,似乎蕴藏着一种强势和坚硬。在行业的选择上,郭广昌从来没有犯过致命的错误,他总是善于先人一步,逢低介入。  1992年,当郭广昌和梁信军从复旦大学团委辞职下海创立广信科技时,这几个一无资金、二无背景、三无资源的“三无”创业者,唯一能做的就是抓住市场和时代的气息中扑面而来的一次次机会。从产业的切入来说,郭广昌自认,复星从一开始进入房