当车子缓缓停下时.坐在前排座位上的那个男人舒服地伸展了一下他的手臂.车子内的谈话声仍在继续着。WHATIF?“我对当时的情况可是了解得一清二楚。”德文·费尔古森一边整理着头上的运动帽.一边喋喋不休地唠叨着。“你们大概谁都没我这样的好记性。”那时候.他们都只有11岁。在一次地方性质的比赛中.鲁迪·盖伊在底线处接到皮球后.在终场哨声响起的瞬间扬手命中一记三分球。“我永远都不会忘记那次进球。”德文RUDY GAY.回忆道,“当时,我和身边那个叫肯尼·阿伦的家伙都不由自主地张大嘴巴,我们都在惊呼,‘这小予肯定能进NBA,上帝保佑,我们的预言真的没错。”
When the car stopped slowly, the man sitting in the front seat stretched his arm comfortably, and the conversation inside the car continued. WHATIF? “” I knew what was going on at that time. “” Devon Ferguson nipped his cap on one side while nagging. “You guys probably did not have any good memories of me.” “At that time, they were only 11 years old. In a local match, Rudy Gay hit the ball at the bottom line and hit a three-pointer at the whistle of the final whistle. ”I will never forget that goal. “ German RUDY GAY. Recalled, ”At that time, I and the guy called Kenny Allen around me involuntarily open your mouth, we are all exclaimed ’This is a small affirmation to enter the NBA, God bless you, our prophecy is really right.’