Attack is much more difficult than defense. In the offensive strategy, the importance of competitive advantage unparalleled. Often, attackers have been at a clear disadvantage from the get-go as their competitors have long gained the full trust of their customers and have a household name advantage. In order to overcome these obstacles and enter the market smoothly, attackers at least have better performance advantages and better price / performance ratio. This leads to the first principle of aggression: a new face should not rush to implement a strategy of offensive lack of new ideas in the face of lack of preparedness. The new faces should have clear performance advantages or, if there is a lack of performance benefits, aggressive offsets with a clear price advantage. If the attacker does not have any advantage, you can not get the customer's favor. The customer's rotational inertia will benefit the defender. A lot of research shows that: A new thing, only with obvious performance advantages, or price advantage, the ideal state is both, in order to have a high probability of success.