中国政府为什么要制定《中国妇女发展纲要》和《中国儿童发展纲要》(以下简称两纲)?两纲为中国妇女儿童在21世纪 第一个10年的发展描绘了怎样的蓝图?如何实现这一蓝图?在实现两纲目标的进程中,有多少执著不懈的努力,有多少呕心沥血的奉献?两纲之窗栏因为你打开一个窗口,展现其中的点点滴滴。国务院妇女儿童工作委员会办公室
Why does the Chinese government formulate the “Outline for the Development of Chinese Women” and the “Outline for the Development of Children in China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”)? What are the two blueprints for the development of Chinese women and children in the first 10 years of the 21st century? A blueprint? In the process of achieving the two goals, how many unremitting efforts, how much painstaking dedication? Window of the two programs because you open a window, showing the bit by bit. State Council Women and Children Working Committee Office