郭声琨在全区作风效能建设活动领导小组全体会议上强调——围绕主题 突出重点 全面推进确保整改阶段工作取得实效

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8月31日,自治区转变干部作风加强机关行政效能建设活动领导小组全体会议在南宁召开。会议研究了全区作风效能建设集中整改阶段下一步工作,讨论修改了《广西壮族自治区机关绩效考评办法(试行)》。自治区党委副书记、自治区常务副主席、自治区作风效能建设领导小组组长郭声琨在会上强调,围绕主题,突出重点,全面推进,立足实际,以创新的思维,自我革命的精神,追求卓越的理念,务实求真的作风,打好攻坚战,扎实整改,确保作风效能建设取得实效。 On August 31, the Plenary Session of the Leading Group for Leading Cadres to Change the Work Style of Cadres in the Autonomous Region and Strengthen the Administrative Efficiency of the Organizations was convened in Nanning. The meeting studied the next step in the concentrated rectification and reform stage of the work style performance building in the whole district, and discussed and amended the Measures for the Performance Appraisal of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Trial). At the meeting, Guo Shengkun, deputy party secretary of the autonomous region, executive vice chairman of the autonomous region and leader of the Leading Group for the performance of autonomous region’s style of work emphasized at the conference that focusing on the theme, focusing on the theme, pushing forward in an all-round way, basing on reality, with innovative thinking, self-revolutionary spirit and pursuit of excellence , Pragmatic truth-seeking style, lay a solid battle, solid rectification, to ensure effective style of work to achieve tangible results.
有鉴于既有小说中的孙中山形象研究之寂寥,论文遍览晚清至民国时期相关小说及第一手史料,从中选取若干部重点小说与突出文学现象作为突破口,以期开出新境。  笔者悉心以史为镜
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