中共湖南省委 湖南省人民政府批转省军区《关于认真搞好省军区部队改革体制、精简整编的意见》的通知

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一九八五年七月二十日湘发27号省委、省人民政府同意省军区《关于认真搞好省军区部队改革体制、精简整编的意见》,现转发给你们,望遵照执行。军队进行体制改革、精简整编,这是新的历史时期加强军队建设和贯彻军队必须服从国家经济建设大局方针的重大决策。各级党委和政府要充分认识这一重大决策的重要意义,按照中央[1985]14号文件的要求,积极主动地支持和协助省军区系统和当地驻军搞好精简整编,并加强对人武部的领导。同时,要加强宣传教育工作,在社会上形成尊重军队、爱护军队的风气,进一步关心军队的建设。任何单位都不得趁军队精简整编之机,向部队要地皮、借用住房或占用其他军产,地方政府原计划拨给人武部门的经费,仍应照常拨给,以保障精简整编工作的顺利进行。 On July 20, 1985, Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Government on the 27th of August Xiangshan agreed that the provincial military region's “Opinions on Conscientiously Doing a Good Job in the Reform System of the Military Forces of the Military Regions and Streamlining and Reorganization” are forwarded to you and it is hoped that they will comply with the implementation. The reform of the system of the armed forces and streamlining and reorganization of the armed forces are major decisions on strengthening military construction and implementing the principle that the armed forces must obey the overall situation of national economic construction during the new historical period. Party committees and governments at all levels must fully understand the significance of this major policy decision and, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Party's [1985] No. 14 document, proactively support and assist the provincial military region system and local troops in doing a good job in streamlining and reorganizing them, leadership. At the same time, it is necessary to step up publicity and education so as to create a culture of respecting and defending the armed forces in the society and further concern for the building of the armed forces. No unit should take advantage of the opportunity of the military to streamline the process of reorganization, borrow land or occupy other military assets with the army, and the funds originally allocated by the local government to the armed forces departments should still be allocated as usual to ensure the smooth implementation of the streamlining and reorganization work .
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