具象绘画在现代艺术表现语言无限拓展之后,进入一个相当宽泛的当代艺术表现领域。具象绘画知觉形式的转化起于上个世纪初的塞尚(P.Cezanne 1839-1906)。塞尚被在20世纪被艺术史家称为“现代艺术之父”。他以绘画形式语言的视知觉结构坚实性,引导20世纪西方艺术知觉的本质转化。在西方艺术史上,印象派(Impressionism)是一个在传统艺
After the infinite expansion of the expression language of modern art, figurative painting has entered a rather broad field of contemporary art performance. The transformation of the form of figurative painting perception started in the early centuries by P. Cezanne (1839-1906). Cezanne was called “the father of modern art” by art historians in the 20th century. His structural solidity of visual perception in the form of pictorial language leads the essential transformation of Western artistic perception in the 20th century. Impressionism is a tradition in Western art history