数量最多、性能落后、有待改进世界上生产数量最多的坦克。要数苏式T54 T 55坦克了。尽管苏联及其它国家从未公布过T-54/T-55坦克的产量数字,而据简氏装甲和火炮1986-1987年鉴估计,全世界拥有这种坦克大约5万辆,几乎占世界现装备坦克总数的三分之一。 T 54/T-55坦克,是一种设计很成功的坦克,曾参加过1967年和1973年的中东战争,并立下了丰功伟绩。然而,各国的新型坦克在一代接一代地推出,反坦克武器的威力也在不断地提高,相比之下,T-54 T-55坦克的性
The largest number, underperforming, awaiting improvement in the number of tanks produced in the world. To the number of Soviet T54 T 55 tanks. Although the Soviet Union and other countries have never released figures on the production of T-54 / T-55 tanks, according to the Jane’s Armored and Artillery Estimates 1986-1987, there are about 50,000 such tanks in the world, accounting for almost all of the world’s existing equipment One-third of the total number of tanks. T 54 / T-55 tank, a very successful tank design, has participated in the Middle East war in 1967 and 1973, and made great achievements. However, as new types of tanks in various countries are being introduced from generation to generation, the power of anti-tank weapons is constantly improving. In contrast, the T-54 T-55’s