最新出版的美版航海图书上标有两种图书编号 :(1)美国国家影像与测绘局 (NationalImageryandMappingAgency ,NIMA)编号。如美版航海图书目录的NIMA编号为 :NIMARef.No .CATP2V0 1U ,海图 914 0 7的NIMA编号为 :91B
The latest edition of the United States of America sailing books are marked with two book numbers: (1) the National Imaging and Mapping Agency (NationalImagery and Mapping Agency, NIMA) number. Such as the United States version of the NIMA catalog of navigation books: NIMARef.No. CAT2V0 1U, NIMA number 914 0 7 chart: 91B