保山市位于云南省西部,保山市的2个边境县(腾冲县、龙陵县)与缅甸山水相连,边境地区的居民素有与缅甸妇女通婚的习俗,且多为事实婚姻。为掌握这一特殊人群的艾滋病(Acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)流行现状和影响因素,于2011年在保山市的两个边境县开展了缅甸籍跨境婚姻人群的AIDS相关知识的知晓情况及艾滋病病毒
Baoshan is located in the western border of Yunnan Province. Two border counties (Tengchong County and Longling County) in Baoshan City are linked to the landscapes in Myanmar. The residents in the border areas have the usual custom of intermarrying women in Myanmar and are mostly de facto marriages. To understand the epidemic status and influencing factors of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in this special population, awareness of AIDS-related knowledge among Myanmar cross-border marriages and HIV / AIDS in two border counties in Baoshan City was conducted in 2011 virus