为探讨因癫痫住入急诊科的病人,是否需要进行头部CT扫描,作者对115例病人进行了回顾性分析。 本组115例中,男64例,女51例,年龄17.8~92.3(平均50.5)岁。根据癫痫发作的时间,将患者分成三组,即过去确诊癫痫组(组1,60例);新发癫痫组(组2,38例)和可疑癫痫组(组3,17例)。全部完成了临床评价,头部CT扫描及相关危险因素调查。 结果 三组的年龄和性别无显著差异。10例(其中3例CT阳性)因神经病学检查资料不足而在神经病学结局分析时被排除。余105例中,20例的CTs阳性,其中19例(95%)的神经病学检查异
To investigate whether patients with epilepsy admitted to the emergency department need a CT scan of their heads, the authors performed a retrospective analysis of 115 patients. The group of 115 cases, 64 males and 51 females, aged 17.8 ~ 92.3 (mean 50.5) years old. According to the time of seizure, the patients were divided into three groups, namely the past diagnosis of epilepsy group (group 1, 60 cases); new epilepsy group (group 2,38 cases) and suspicious epilepsy group (group 3,17 cases). All completed the clinical evaluation, head CT scan and related risk factors survey. Results There was no significant difference in age and sex between the three groups. Ten patients (three of them were positive for CT) were excluded from the neurological outcome analysis because of insufficient information on neurological examination. Of the remaining 105 cases, 20 had CTs positive, of which 19 (95%) had different neurological examinations