从学医到行医,迄今已四十八年,而真正懂得为革命、为人民钻研业务,则是解放后才开始的。因此,本文只是二十八年的杂缀。略作整理,分条就正! 用药制方要讲究配伍用药讲究配伍,不但能提高疗效,相得益彰,而且还能从这一疗效发展为另一疗效。例如:大黄本为通大便药,但与甘草同用则能利小便;用少量麻黄伍多量熟地,则但开腠理而麻黄不汗、熟地不滞(阳和汤是一个明显的药用例);茯苓得自术则补脾,得车前子则利水,得泽泻则渗湿;青皮得自芥子,治右胁痛;附子一钱与磁石八钱同
From studying medicine to practicing medicine, it has been forty-eight years now, and it has only since dawn of liberation that it truly understood how to do business for the revolution and the people. Therefore, this article is only a 28-year suffix. Slightly finishing, the points are right! Medication system should pay attention to the compatibility of medication with stress, not only can improve the efficacy, complement each other, but also from this effect can be developed into another effect. For example, rhubarb is used as a defecation agent, but licorice can be used together with licorice; a small amount of ephedrine is used to rehabilitate the soil, but euphorbia ephedra is not sweaty and rehmannia is not stagnant (yanghetang is an obvious medicinal example. ); from the surgery is to make up the spleen, the former car is the benefit of water, get diarrhea is wetting; green skin derived from mustard, governance right hypochondriac pain; aconite money and a magnet eight money the same