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楼阁是我国古代的一种传统建筑,“楼,重房也”;“阁,楼也”。这就是说,楼阁一般都是两层或两层以上的建筑,且都以木质为主要结构。在我国古代,不管是佛、道、儒这些宗教门派,还是皇家贵族,都把楼阁看作是神圣、尊贵和威严的象征。在修建的众多楼阁中用于赏景的楼阁很多,分布也很广,南方有,北方也有,但是南方居多。这些楼阁一般临水而建,湖光山色,波光粼粼,景色秀美。所以,这些楼阁也是文人雅士们汇聚之所,许多文学名篇也因这些楼阁而诞生,而这些楼阁也因这些文章的流传而声名远扬。当然比较有代表性的要数我有幸去过的,被称为江南三大名楼的滕王阁、黄鹤楼和岳阳楼了。滕王阁这三座楼阁在历史上都有很多的传说,又都因常年战乱和一些自然灾害而被毁坏数次。像坐落在江西省南昌市赣江之滨的滕王阁,自唐高宗永徽四年(公元653年)建成之后,历经磨难。在建阁至今的1300多年中屡毁屡建,而每次重修,不但都能够再现古阁的风姿,而且规模也是越建越大。1926年滕王阁最后一次被毁于北洋军阀邓如琢手中。1983年10月1日正式开始了第29次藤王阁的重修工作,1989年落成。新阁共9层, Pavilions is a traditional building in ancient China, “Building, re-housing also ”; “Court, building also ”. That is to say, pavilions are generally two or more floors of the building, and are based on wood as the main structure. In ancient China, pavilions, religious Buddhists, Taoists and Confucianists, as well as royal aristocrats all regarded pavilions as sacred, honorable and majestic symbols. In the construction of many pavilions for viewing the scenery of many pavilions, distribution is also very wide, there are the South, the North also, but most of the South. These pavilions are generally built near the water, lakes and mountains, sparkling, beautiful scenery. Therefore, these pavilions are also brought together by literati and as many literary famous articles are also born because of these pavilions, and these pavilions are also famous for the spread of these articles. Of course, the more representative to the number I have been fortunate enough to have been known as the Three Towers Jiangnan Pavilion Pavilion, Yellow Crane Tower and Yueyang House. Tengwang Pavilion These three pavilions have historically had many legends, all of them destroyed several times by perennial war and some natural disasters. Tengwang Pavilion, located on the bank of Ganjiang River in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, has been suffering since it was completed in the fourth year (AD 653) of the Tang Emperor Gaozong. Over the past 1300 years since its establishment, it has repeatedly been destroyed and rebuilt. Each time it is rebuilt, not only can it replicate the grace of the ancient palaces, but also the larger the more it is constructed. 1926 Tengwang Pavilion was last destroyed in the hands of the Northern Warlords Deng Ruzao. October 1, 1983 officially began the 29th rattan Pavilion rework, completed in 1989. New Pavilion a total of 9 floors,
目的 :探讨48例小儿哮喘患者应用特布他林联合布地奈德雾化吸入的疗效。方法 :选取2014年5月至2015年5月我院儿科收治的小儿哮喘患儿共96例,按照随机数表法将其分为两组,观察