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汉语是我们的母语,汉字则是这一语言的文字体现,学好汉字、写好汉字对掌握语言尤为重要。写好字,实质是社会从素质发展角度要求学生把字写正确、写规范,进而达到书写美观。写字教学要兴趣引导学生,鼓励学生的点滴收获;师生一起探究学法,掌握规律;写字教学要循序渐进,鼓励学生积累创新;教师用饱满的热情,激发学生写字的热情。写字教学可以提高学生的创造能力、恒心和毅力,让学生变得手“巧”而心“灵”。 Chinese is our mother tongue, Chinese characters are the text of this language, learning Chinese, writing Chinese characters is particularly important to master the language. Write good words, in essence, society from the perspective of the quality of development requires students to write the word correctly, writing norms, and thus achieve writing aesthetics. Write teaching should be interested in guiding students to encourage students to harvest; teachers and students explore the law, master the law; writing teaching should be gradual and encouraging students to accumulate innovation; teachers with full enthusiasm, to stimulate students enthusiasm for writing. Writing teaching can improve students’ creativity, perseverance and perseverance, so that students become “smart” and “heart ” spirit.
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中国现代陶艺有属于自己的表达方法和言说方式。意象表现符合了中国传统美学中所追求的“似与不似之间”的审美效果,是适合现代陶艺的一种言说方式。 China’s modern potte
经过一年的时间,位于上海武威路的桃浦艺术园区已经成为继M50之后,考察上海艺术生态另一个绝对不容错过的聚集点。 After a year, Taopu Art Park in Shanghai’s Wuwei Roa