青年个体户是个十分特殊的职业群体。1996年万名山东青年思想道德状况调查所提供的656名青年个体户的分类数据表明,这些凭自己的生存能力去圆自己的人生之梦的不同文化的年轻人,其思想道德状况和密切关注的问题,都显示出明显的职业特点。 1.对理论学习、政治活动兴趣不高,对市场和政策格外敏感 本次调查数据显示,在八种职业类型的青年中,个体户对所有被称之为“务虚”的事物均热情偏低。他们的目光紧紧盯住与自己的切身利益直接相关的经济形势、市场信息和政策
Youth self-employed is a very special occupation group. The disaggregated data of 656 young self-employed individuals provided by the 1996 Shandong Young People’s Ideological and Moral Survey provided evidence that these young people of different cultures with their own viability to round their dreams of life have their moral status and pay close attention to Problems, have shown obvious job characteristics. 1. Low interest in theoretical study and political activities, especially sensitive to markets and policies According to the survey data, among eight types of youth, self-employed individuals are all less enthusiastic about what they call “retreats.” Their eyes are firmly on the economic situation, market information and policies that are directly relevant to their own immediate interests