Barley stripe rust in China is mainly caused by barley rust barley specialized type, the bacteria have obvious physiological differentiation. The host of barley stripe rust in Tibet was expanded and improved, and a set of host suitable for identification of barley stripe rust in China was initially established. It consists of 7 varieties: Himalaya 6, Dwarf Qi, precocious 3, Yong 1394, Yong 802, Section 2, Huixian red (wheat). This set of identification hosts could clearly distinguish barley specialization from wheat specialization. 40 special barley-specific strains collected from 5 provinces of Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi and Henan were divided into 4 toxicities Types of. The medium toxicity barley 1 and the less toxic barley 2 were widely distributed. The barley 3 and barley 4 were only found in the standard samples of Tibet.