This article looks at how each of the components that make up the complexity of narratives can function in the drama End of Crime. “Crime Termination” is a series of detective plays by TNT in the United States from 2005 to 2012. The episode revolves around the heroine, mainly concerning his work and personal life. Relevant characters and episodes of the play shed light on how the construction of minor episodes in the weekly drama has shaped the leading role of the heroine and her interactions with family, friends and colleagues. The aesthetics and ideology in “The End of Crime” reconstructs the genre practice of detective drama and subverts the stereotyped gender image in traditional detective drama through the strong contrast between femininity and masculinity. As an investigator and manager, the actress has both strengths and weaknesses in the efficiency of its work. The series re-sets the sex code so that the heroine has a feminine appearance but a masculine style of work.