油桃新品种瑞光28号是由北京市农林科学院果树研究所在1990年用丽格兰特和瑞光2号杂交而成,2003年通过北京市农作物品种审定委员会审定。我所自2000年引进进行品种实验,现总结如下:1 主要性状1.1植物学特征树姿半张,1年生枝的向阳面为红褐色,其背面为黄绿色,叶片长15.23厘米,宽4.65厘米,叶柄长0.91厘米,叶为椭圆披针形,叶面平展,微向内凹。叶尖微向外卷,叶基楔型近直角,叶片黄绿色;叶缘钝锯齿,蜜腺肾形有2~4个,花冠为铃型,花瓣深红粉色,花药橙红色,花粉多,萼筒内壁橙黄色。雌蕊明显高于雄蕊。1.2 果实经济性状果实近圆形至椭圆型,果个极大,平均单果重265克,最大单果重650克,果实纵径8.31厘米,横径7.79厘米,侧径
The new nectarine variety Ruiguang 28 by the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Fruit Research Institute in 1990 with the Li Grant and Ruiguang 2 hybrid made in 2003 through the Beijing Crop Variety Approval Committee. I introduced in 2000 from species trials, are summarized as follows: 1 The main characters 1.1 botany characteristics of the tree pose half a year-old branch sunny side of the brown, the back of the yellow-green, leaf length 15.23 cm, width 4.65 cm , Petiole 0.91 cm long, leaves oval lanceolate, flat leaves, slightly concave. Leaf tip slightly outward volume, leaf base wedge near right angle, yellow-green leaves; leaf edge obscured sawtooth, nectary nephron has 2 to 4, corolla bell, petals dark red pink, anthers orange red, pollen, Calyx tube wall orange yellow. Pistils significantly higher than stamens. 1.2 fruit economic character fruit nearly round to oval, a great fruit, the average weight 265 grams, the largest single fruit weight 650 grams, fruit longitudinal diameter 8.31 cm, diameter 7.79 cm, diameter