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“学讲方式”是以学生自主学习作为主要学习方式,以合作学习作为主要教学组织形式,以“学进去,讲出来”作为学生的学习导向和学习目标达成的基本要求的课堂教学方式。一、怎样“学进去”作为教学方式,“学进去”是指通过自主学,合作学,质疑学等学习方式,调动学生的积极性,强调的是达成“学进去”的过程。(一)自主先学“自主先学”由学生在课前或刚开始上课时在老师引导下有目标的自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题。这样既能体现学生的 “Learners ” is based on the independent study of students as the main mode of learning, with cooperative learning as the main teaching organization form, “learn to go in, say out ” as the students’ learning orientation and learning objectives to achieve the basic requirements of the class teaching methods. First, how to “learn to go in” as a way of teaching, “learning to go in” refers to motivating students through autonomous learning, cooperative learning, questioning and other learning styles, emphasizing reaching “learning to go in”. process. (A) Autonomous prior to learning “autonomy to learn ” by the students in the beginning of class or class under the guidance of the teacher has the goal of autonomous learning, find problems, ask questions. This can reflect the students
春天又笑盈盈地来了,胖叔叔茶座里,一盆盆鲜花正吐露着芬芳。下午,金铃探头探脑地进来了,她朝后面一招手,几个女孩悄悄地溜了进来……    ●代表胖叔叔 ◆代表学生    ●嗨,金铃呀,干吗神神秘秘的?   ◆(金铃)我们……嗯,来喝茶呀……   ●别骗我了,不就是准备给张强过生日吗?来呀,就在茶座里玩嘛。   ◆(尹铃)嗨,胖叔叔,你只猜对了一半。今天还是金铃的生日呢,我们准备为他们俩庆贺生日