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魏晋南北朝时期正是由秦汉文明,向更加辉煌的隋唐文明的漫长的过渡期。在这一过渡期中,人们的社会生活和礼俗发生了很大的变化。主要表现在建筑技术的发展与家具的变化和日用器皿的变化等方面,其中日用家具的发展变化,又主要表现在由席地起居的家具向垂足高坐家具的转变,出现了许多魏晋以前从不流行的新品种和新器型。 The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it is from the Qin and Han civilizations, to a more brilliant transition of the Sui and Tang civilizations. During this transitional period, great changes have taken place in the social life and customs of the people. Mainly manifested in the development of building technology and furniture changes and changes in household utensils, etc., of which the development of daily-use furniture changes, but also mainly in the furniture from the furniture to the foot-high furniture, the shift, there have been many Wei Jin never popular before the new varieties and new models.
班会目的:通过组织学生动脑动手设计文明言行的警示标志、拍摄DV短片,加深对“文明”内涵的理解,警醒学生做一个文明守纪的人;征选一个最佳设计,作为班级文明的标志;培养学生的团队协作精神,增强班级荣誉感和凝聚力。  班会准备:八个小组分别设计制作一个文明言行的警示标志,配上创意解说词,推荐一名学生解说;拍摄以“文明”为主题的DV短片,并剪辑制作;组建评委组,拟定评比细则和奖项;组建服务组,负责会场的布