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1984年10月至1985年8月,河南省文物研究所和巩县文物保管所联合对宋太宗元德李后陵进行了抢救性发掘。因该陵严重被盗,除发现越、定窑瓷器等少量随葬品外,还出土可表明墓主人身份的玉册两副。其中谥册存36简(段),计187字,册文内容与文献记载相符;哀册存41简(段),计209字,册文内容与文献记载不同。宋代帝陵过去从未进行过正式发掘,因此元德李后陵的试掘,不仅为我们提供了探讨宋代陵寝制度的有益资料,而且出土的玉册实物,也是我们研究宋代陵墓用册的依据。今参照有关文献记载和考古资料,试对元德李后陵出土的谥册、哀册及册匣诸问题略作考证。不当之处,请方家指正。 From October 1984 to August 1985, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Gong County Cultural Relic jointly conducted a rescue excavation on the Li Houling of the Song Taizong Yuande. Because of the serious theft of the tomb, in addition to the discovery of the more Dingyi porcelain and a handful of funerary objects, but also unearthed to indicate the identity of the tomb of the two volumes of jade book. Among them, there are 36 books (sections) in total and 187 books in total, and the content of the books is in line with the historical records. The imperial tombs of the Song Dynasty had never been formally unearthed in the past. Therefore, the explorations and excavations of the tombs of the late Li Yuande did not only provide us with useful information on the mausoleum system in the Song Dynasty, but also unearthed jade books in real life. This reference to the relevant literature and archaeological data, try on the Yuande Lihou Ling unearthed volumes, sad book and magazine issues a little textual research. Inappropriate place, please correct me.
人生奋斗的根本目的,就是取得成功,获得幸福。然而,对于成功的标准和幸福的含义,不少人从未认真思考过,或者从未想清楚。许多人把财富、地位和名气看作成功的标准和幸福的源泉,可是有谁知道,财富有多少才是多?地位有多高才是高?名气有多大才是大?  美国成功学家卡尔博士认为:成功意味着许多美好积极的事物,其中包括个人的兴隆发达,获得优越的条件;在职场和社交圈中赢得别人的尊崇和赞美,获得更多的自由,免于种种烦