华剧《杨贵妃》去年秋月晋京演出,获得意想不到的成功。在短暂的演出时日里,连续召开四次座谈会,探讨《杨贵妃》所赋于的现代意识和审美价值。从这诸多的讨论中,使我们更明晰地看出了《杨贵妃》一剧的成败得失。从而,得到了几许深刻的启示。1 华剧《杨贵妃》可贵之处,是在历史题材中融入了现代意识。杨玉环和李隆基的故事,已流传了一千多年,也出现过象白居易的《长恨歌》、白朴的《梧桐雨》和洪升的《长生殿》等这些有影响的作品,但大多数作品都因袭着生欢死别的传统意
Hua Opera “Yang Royal” Jincheng performed last autumn, won the unexpected success. During the short performance days, four forums were held in succession to discuss the modern consciousness and aesthetic value conferred by “Yang Guifei”. From these numerous discussions, we can see more clearly the success or failure of the drama “Yang Guifei.” Thus, got a few profound revelation. 1 Hua Opera “Yang Guifei” Valuable, is the history of the theme into the modern consciousness. The story of Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji has been circulating for over a thousand years. There have also been influential works such as Bai Juyi’s “Everlasting Sorrow”, Bai Pu’s “Indus Rain” and Hong Sheng’s “Palace of Eternal Youth” Most works are due to the traditional meaning of life and death