根据全国各地广大读者的要求,我刊从本期起增辟《初学园地》栏。主要刊登在校(学习民族语的汉族或学习汉语的民族)学生和刚参加工作从事民族语文工作的青年工作者以及自学民族语的青年们所翻译和习作的有关研究民族语言和翻译理论的短文;交流学习民族语和学习汉语的经验和方法;解答有关学习民族语和汉语的疑难问题;介绍民族语言文字的基础知识,指导青年和自学者学习民族语和汉语。 希望广大大专院校学生、从事民族语文工作的青年工作者和自学青年们踊跃投稿,使这个栏目办得象八十年代青年人一样生龙活虎、有朝气、有干劲、有魄力、敢于拼搏、敢于创新、敢于登攀。
According to the requirements of readers across the country, I published this issue from the beginning of “new school” column. Mainly published in schools (Han or learning Chinese speaking nationalities) students and those who have just joined the work of young people engaged in national language work, as well as self-learning young people national language translation and practice of the national language and translation theory of the essay ; Exchange experiences and methods of learning national languages and learning Chinese; answer difficult questions about learning national languages and Chinese; introduce the basic knowledge of national languages and instruct young people and self-learners to learn national languages and Chinese. We hope that the majority of college students, youth workers engaged in national language work and self-educated youth will actively contribute to make this section as lively and energetic as the young people in the 1980s. They are motivated, courageous, daring to struggle and innovative. , Dare to climb.