开发西部,就要知悉西部的民族风情,懂得西部的文化背景。 画面上,我们常常看到风雪青藏高原,藏族牧人们在冰天雪地中英姿飒爽,骑马荷枪,谈笑风生地奔忙着。他们是如何抵御零下三四十度严寒侵袭的呢?是什么服饰使他们敢于与天公比高低呢? 这就要从青藏高原的服饰谈起。
To develop the west, we must know the ethnic customs in the west and understand the cultural background in the west. On the screen, we often see the snow-capped Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Tibetan herdsmen are mercilessly riding in the snow and ice, riding horses and smiling. How do they resist the cold thirty or forty degrees of attack it? What dress make them dare to heaven and earth with high and low level? This will be from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau dress talk.