考生注意: 1.全卷共七大题,在120分钟内完成. 2.第五、六、七题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分.有数字计算的问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位. 一、(32分)单项选择题.每小题4分.每小题只有一个正确答案,把正确答案前面的字母填写在题后的方括号内.选对的得4分;选错的或不答的,得0分;选了两个或两个以上的,得0分.填写在方括号外的字母,不作为选出的答案。
Candidates’ attention: 1. A total of seven questions in the full volume, completed in 120 minutes. 2. The fifth, sixth, and seventh questions require the writing of necessary text descriptions, equations, and important calculation steps. Only the final answer is written, but not Write the main calculation process, can not score. There are numerical calculation problems, the answer must be clearly written values and units. One, (32 points) single-choice questions. Each question 4 points. Each question has only one correct answer, Write the letter in front of the correct answer in square brackets after the question. 4 points for the correct pair. 0 points for the wrong or non-answer. 0 points if two or more are selected. Letters outside of square brackets are not considered as selected answers.