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《四川省失业保险条例》已由省九届人大常委会第24次会议于2001年7月21日通过,并于10月1日起施行。该《条例》是对国务院《失业保险条例》的细化和延伸,具有更强的针对性和可操作性。它的颁布施行,进一步提高了我省失业保险工作的法律地位,为深入贯彻落实国务院《失业保险条例》,加强我省失业保险扩面、征缴和管理、服务等工作提供了一个强有力的法律武器,对建立与完善我省社会保障体系和市场就业机制、促进全省经济体制改革和维护社会稳定必将发挥重要的作用。为此,本刊编辑部对省劳动和社会保障厅失业保险处进行了专访,该处就制定发布《四川省失业保险条例》的必要性、重要性以及该《条例》的主要内容、主要特点等问题作了较为全面的答复: The “Regulations on Unemployment Insurance in Sichuan Province” was approved by the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on July 21, 2001 and came into effect on October 1. The “Regulations” is a detailed and extension of the “Unemployment Insurance Regulations” of the State Council, with more pertinence and operability. Its promulgation and implementation further enhanced the legal status of the unemployment insurance in our province and provided a powerful tool for further implementing the “Unemployment Insurance Regulations” of the State Council, strengthening the unemployment insurance expansion, collection and management, and service provision in our province Legal weapons will play an important role in establishing and perfecting the social security system and market employment mechanism in our province, promoting the reform of the economic system in the province and maintaining social stability. To this end, the editorial department of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Labor and Social Welfare Office of the Unemployment Insurance conducted an interview with the Department to formulate the “Sichuan Provincial Unemployment Insurance Regulations,” the necessity and importance of the “Regulations” the main contents of the main features And other issues made a more comprehensive answer:
龚口匹一嘿下速翻谁能;“盘子夹到自开始己的就赢啦啦!看看谁更多的“珍珠”。箕意:不茜用自 拍一藻摹羹··一看谁用最度让垫板上的个上薰孟擒耀黔,”汤果硬礴到地开始哦!谁
新疆位于我国的西北边陲(chui),美丽迷人。黄色的沙漠上寸草不生,小小的绿洲上却瓜果飘香,令人神往。四季搬家的牧民 Xinjiang is located in the northwestern border of
莺姐姐问了我一个谜语,谜语是这样说的:“什么东西是自己的,但是,别人用得多。”我猜出来了,是“名字”。 Sister Ying asked me a riddle, saying: “What is your own, b