全军第五届战伤创伤外科学术会议,1993年9月1~5日在成都召开。会议收到论文585篇,200多名代表出席会议。 一、战伤、创伤的急救:大出血和不便搬动的伤员在急诊室边抗休克边做抢救手术已取得成功的经验。在伤员运送方式中,仍以空运最为理想。对于战时火器伤的处理,仍应坚持早期清创延期缝合的原则。但对平时火器伤,可根据伤员到达医院时问、伤口污染程度等酌情处理。平时火器伤的初期外科处理采用切开引流法,经治32例,伤口全部Ⅰ期愈合。
The Fifth Army Wounded Injury Surgery Conference, September 1, 1993 held in Chengdu. The conference received 585 papers and over 200 delegates attended the conference. First, war, trauma first aid: bleeding and inconvenience to move the wounded in the emergency room while doing anti-shock surgery has been successful experience. In the wounded delivery mode, the air is still the most ideal. For the treatment of firearm injuries in wartime, the principle of early debridement and suture should still be adhered to. However, the usual firearm injury can be based on the wounded when asked to reach the hospital, the degree of wound contamination, as appropriate. Usually the initial surgical treatment of firearm wounds by incision and drainage method, the rule of 32 cases, the wound all Ⅰ healing.