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图书馆作为社会意识形态的载体之一,是一种上层建筑,它为自己所在社会的统治阶级服务,并随人类社会生产力的提高和经济基础的变化而不断地改变其具体的社会职能。但是,它的基本社会职能——收藏文献是不会改变的。随着生产力的发展和生产关系的改变,图书馆收藏文献的内涵不断地充实、更新,图书馆的服务对象、服务方式不断地变化,以适应各个社会统治阶级的不同需求,因而被赋予不同的社会职能。这种不同社会发展阶段的不同社会职能,我们称之为图书馆的具体社会职能。我国西汉时期的图书馆及其社会职能,比较典型地说明了我国古代图书馆的基本社会职能、具体社会职能以及它们之间的关系。 Library, as a carrier of social ideology, is a kind of superstructure, which serves the ruling class of its own society and constantly changes its specific social function with the improvement of human productivity and economic foundation. However, its basic social function - collection of literature is not changed. With the development of the productive forces and the change of the relations of production, the contents of the library collection materials are constantly enriched and updated, and the service objects and services of the libraries are constantly changing so as to meet the different needs of the ruling classes of various social communities and thus are given different Social function. Different social functions of this stage of social development, we call the library’s specific social functions. The library and its social functions during the Western Han Dynasty in our country typically illustrate the basic social functions, specific social functions and the relations between them in ancient Chinese libraries.
在广泛认识到经血液传染病毒如乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)及人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的时代,对手术用手套的防护作用尚缺乏研究。1980年11月在 Texas 医学研究中心收集产科剖宫产、产
我院自1982年元月至1991年12月急诊收治阴道残端大出血7例,报道如下。临床资料 1、出血量:出血量全部在500ml以上,其中1500ml以上者1例,1000~1500ml者1例,800~1000ml者2例,500
儿童期脊髓性肌萎缩(SMA)以脊髓前角细胞变性所致相应节段躯干、肢体瘫痪及肌肉萎缩为特征。临床分为急性脊髓性肌萎缩(Ⅰ型)、亚急性脊髓性肌萎缩(Ⅱ型)和 Kugelberg-Welan
Today is warm and windy. We’re going to fly kites in the BieShan park. Look! There are a lot of kites in the sky. They’re colorful and beautiful. There are fi
地中海贫血患者的肾功能损害可能归因于慢性贫血、铁负荷过重以及去铁胺(DFO)的毒性。希腊的Koliakos G等分析了91名维持稳定的纯合子型β地中海贫血患者的尿液,这些患者中