Electrochemical finishing process, along with the dissolution of the metal anode, the cathode continues to precipitate bubbles, the bubble surface will occur “polarization ” phenomenon, so the electrochemical finishing process, the bubble growth gap growth will be Resulting in the original gap flow field, the current field distribution distortion, which will have a certain degree of impact on the processing of the workpiece surface gloss and machining accuracy. According to the principle of similarity, the similarity model of the dielectric bubbles in the inter-electrode medium was established, the experimental cavity of the bubble generation and observation was made, and the bubble motion was collected in real time using a high-speed digital CCD. The growth and evolution of the bubbles under the voltage of (10-50) There are some thresholds such as 10V, 30V and 40V for the change of bubble growth, and the influence of bubble behavior on the finishing process is analyzed based on the related electro-optical finishing theory.