Before 1958, the production of wheat in our province was basically a local variety. At that time, the main varieties are monk wheat, white shell wheat, red shell wheat, car Lei Mai, pine needle wheat, centipede wheat, deep roots, red Aberdeen, Liu Hua Mai, March yellow, flat head wheat, Changting white cents. These local varieties generally have a wider adaptability, better moisture tolerance, longer dormancy period, and less severe scab. However, most plants are of high plant type, loose stems, easily lodging, poor yield, susceptible to rust, the yield is not high and unstable. Later, wheat introduced identification, system selection and cross breeding, breeding and promotion of a number of wheat varieties, played a role in increasing yield. From the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, the introduction of the promotion of East China 5 and Europe soft, the system of breeding Min 2, Min 6, stainless wheat, planting area of 50 to 60 acres, more than Local breeds increase one or two percent. After the mid-1960s, research