1.Why does time fly?
To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.
注:kill time 消磨时光
2.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket?
Give three girls an apple each, and give the fourth girl her apple in the basket.
3.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbor?
Because it can’t sit down.
注:stand ①矗立;②站立。Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
4.What animal can jump as high as a tree?
Every animal, because a tree can’t jump.
注:jump as high as a tree ①跳得和树一样高;②能和树一样跳得高
5.What wears a cap but has no head?
A bottle.
6.Who makes a million dollars a day?
People who work in a mint(造币厂).
7.What is heavier in summer than in winter?
Traffic to the beach.
注:heavy traffic 交通拥挤;beach海滩
8.What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
注:get into trouble 陷入困境;get out of trouble 摆脱困境
9.What cannot be seen but only heard, and will not speak unless it is spoken to?
An echo(回声).
10.What has fur like a dog, four legs like a dog, two ears like a dog, looks exactly like a dog, but isn’t a dog?
A picture of a dog.
11.What gets bigger when you turn it upside down?
The number 6.
12.What word can you make shorter when you add to it?
13.What can you swallow(吞,咽) that can also swallow you?
14.Why do you do your maths lessons with a pencil?
Because the pencil can’t do them by itself.
15.What must you do before getting off a boat?
Get on the boat.
16.A boy was 9 on his last birthday and will be 11 on his next birthday. How can this be?
It’s his tenth birthday.
17.A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left, why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
18.Where can happiness always be found?
In the dictionary.
19.What animals are well educated?
Fish, because they go around inschools.
注:school ①学校;②鱼群
20.When the clock strikes thirteen, what time is it?
It’s time to have the clock fixed.
注:have the clock fixed 修钟
21.What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in a thousand years?
The letter M.
22.What did one fish say to the other?
If you keep your big mouth shut, you won’t get caught.
To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.
注:kill time 消磨时光
2.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket?
Give three girls an apple each, and give the fourth girl her apple in the basket.
3.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbor?
Because it can’t sit down.
注:stand ①矗立;②站立。Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
4.What animal can jump as high as a tree?
Every animal, because a tree can’t jump.
注:jump as high as a tree ①跳得和树一样高;②能和树一样跳得高
5.What wears a cap but has no head?
A bottle.
6.Who makes a million dollars a day?
People who work in a mint(造币厂).
7.What is heavier in summer than in winter?
Traffic to the beach.
注:heavy traffic 交通拥挤;beach海滩
8.What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
注:get into trouble 陷入困境;get out of trouble 摆脱困境
9.What cannot be seen but only heard, and will not speak unless it is spoken to?
An echo(回声).
10.What has fur like a dog, four legs like a dog, two ears like a dog, looks exactly like a dog, but isn’t a dog?
A picture of a dog.
11.What gets bigger when you turn it upside down?
The number 6.
12.What word can you make shorter when you add to it?
13.What can you swallow(吞,咽) that can also swallow you?
14.Why do you do your maths lessons with a pencil?
Because the pencil can’t do them by itself.
15.What must you do before getting off a boat?
Get on the boat.
16.A boy was 9 on his last birthday and will be 11 on his next birthday. How can this be?
It’s his tenth birthday.
17.A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left, why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
18.Where can happiness always be found?
In the dictionary.
19.What animals are well educated?
Fish, because they go around inschools.
注:school ①学校;②鱼群
20.When the clock strikes thirteen, what time is it?
It’s time to have the clock fixed.
注:have the clock fixed 修钟
21.What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in a thousand years?
The letter M.
22.What did one fish say to the other?
If you keep your big mouth shut, you won’t get caught.