真的很奇怪,现在的我对于一些所谓的游戏大作提不起兴趣,和几个“志同道合”的玩友一提,结果发现好像都有这种感觉,反而一些小游戏却能引起大家的共鸣。譬如:大富翁、俄罗斯方块等等。星期六下班之后,大家没有照例玩《红警》,而是选了一个小游戏《炸弹人》,结果玩得不一乐乎。《炸弹人》是日本 Hudson 公司1984年创造的经典之作。先是在红白机上,后是在超任上,再后来土星、Playstation 都有《炸弹人》的身影。就算是还没有正式推出“梦幻之机”Dreamcast 相信也会推出新版本的《炸弹人》。经典游戏的魅力是经得起时间的考验的。这次玩的 PC 版,是 Interplay 和
Really strange, and now I am not interested in some of the so-called game masterpiece, and a few “like-minded” friends mentioned, the results seem to have this feeling, but some small game can cause everyone Resonance. For example: Monopoly, Russia box and so on. After we left work on Saturdays, everyone did not play “Red Alert” as usual, but instead chose a mini-game “Bomberman”. Bomberman is a classic created by Japan’s Hudson company in 1984. First in the red and white machine, after the super-office, and later Saturn, Playstation have “bomb man” figure. Even if it has not yet officially launched “Dream Machine” Dreamcast believe there will be a new version of “Bomberman.” The charm of the classic game is to stand the test of time. The PC version of this play, is Interplay and