纯感觉性卒中是腔隙性脑梗塞(Lacunar infarction)的一种类型,临床上很少见。现将我科收治的2例报告如下, 病历摘要例1,杨某,男性,60岁,住院号25534,因左侧肢体麻木一日于1986年7月3日入院。该患于入院当日晨起后自觉左侧肢体麻木、僵硬感,当时无肢体无力,也无头痛、头迷及恶心、呕吐。既往高血压病史六年,血压经常波动在200/120mmHg上下。查体:BP200/110mmHg,T36.4℃。意识清,言语流利,步态稳健无异常。双侧瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射正常,双侧视野无缺损。双侧眼底:视乳头边界清,动脉变细反光强,动静脉交叉
Pure sensory stroke is a type of lacunar infarction, clinically rare. Now my department received 2 cases reported as follows, medical records summary 1, Yang, male, 60 years old, hospital number 25534, numbness on the left side of the body on July 3, 1986 admission. The patient admitted to the morning after the onset of conscious left limb numbness, stiffness, then no limb weakness, no headache, headache and nausea and vomiting. Past history of hypertension six years, often fluctuating blood pressure in the 200 / 120mmHg up and down. Physical examination: BP200 / 110mmHg, T36.4 ℃. Consciousness, fluent speech, steady and steady gait without exception. Bilateral pupil and other large circle, normal light reflex, bilateral visual field without defect. Bilateral fundus: clear papillae boundary, arterial thinning reflective, arteriovenous cross