法国天然气工业技术协会认为2000年国际天然气工业发展前景光明,储量和产量都会有大幅度增长。 1985年,世界天然气产量为14.725亿单位石油当量吨,下同。预计到2000年将增长43.63%,平均年增长率约为2.4%,这一增长速度比石油快一些。1986年,石油与天然气产量之比上升到1:0.55,预计到2000年,还要上升。国际上生产天然气的主要国家和地区有:苏联、伊朗、北美、中东和亚太地区。其中出口天然气的主要有苏联、印尼、马来西亚、澳大利亚、阿尔及利亚、尼
Gazprom holds the view that the development of the international natural gas industry in 2000 will be bright with a substantial increase in reserves and output. In 1985, the world’s natural gas production was 1,472.5 million metric tons of oil equivalent, the same below. Expected to grow by 43.63% by 2000, with an average annual growth rate of about 2.4%, a rate faster than oil. In 1986, the ratio of oil and gas production rose to 1: 0.55 and it is estimated that it will rise by the year 2000. International production of natural gas in the major countries and regions: the Soviet Union, Iran, North America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. Among them, the major natural gas exports are the Soviet Union, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Algeria, Nigeria