目前的波特兰开拓者队中,有着今年已入选明星赛的双能卫罗伊(Brandon Roy),也有万众期待的选秀状元中锋G.奥登(G reg Oden),但是,在联盟许多总管和球探眼中,这支年轻球队里最令人期待的球员并不是以上两位。“我认为有一天,他能达到像加内特(Kevin Garnett)一样的高度。”这是开拓者总教练麦克米伦(Nate McMillan)对他的期待。不过,要成为联盟里的顶级禁区球员,阿尔德里奇(LaMarcus Aldridge)还必须要克服自己性格上的弱点,同时在球技上力求进步。这是他如何排除万难,力争上游的故事。
Among the current Portland Trail Blazers, there are Brandon Roy, who has been selected for the Star Game this year, as well as G sought Oden, the long-awaited draft pick. However, And the eye of the ball, the young team’s most anticipated player is not more than two. “I think one day he will reach the same level as Kevin Garnett.” This is what Blazers head coach Nate McMillan looks forward to. However, to become the top player in the league, LaMarcus Aldridge will have to overcome his own weakness and improve his skills. This is his story of how to eliminate all difficulties and strive for the upper reaches.