This article reports the results of screening for hypertension in a group of preterm infants using Doppler. Methods: From December 1, 1980 to August 31, 1981, 99 preterm infants in the key intensive care unit with gestational age less than 37 weeks had no significant congenital anomalies and had been observed for more than 48 hours. Systolic pressure was measured by Doppler technique in sitting or supine position when the patient was awake. The pressure pulse band was equal to the width of the infant’s upper arm and to the upper arm. Each arm measurement on one side 3 times, whichever is the average. In view of the full-term infants aged 6 months to 1 year of age, systolic blood pressure up to 113 mm Hg awakening, which is already beyond the 95th percentile, so where the blood pressure exceeds 113