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一、用社会主义有计划的商品经济观念来更新我国邮电事业的旧观念研究邮电价格(资费)理论,无法回避邮电部门性质的讨论和确定。解放后,我国邮电部门的性质有过一场争论,即邮电是服务性的事业还是经营性的企业。当时左的指导思想占支配地位,只准提服务,不准提经营,并批评了主张经营的观点。有一种说法,认为公共事业天生是为社会服务的,只能讲“社会效益”。赚钱固然要服务,赔钱也要服务,邮电既是公共事业,“赔钱服务”是天经地义理所当然的。这里把公共事业同经营公共事业赔不赔钱的两个性质不同的问题混为一谈,使邮电职工又多了一条思想桎梏。五十年代开始搞计划经济,把苏联那套否定商品经济、搞自然经济论的“产品经济”理论和生产资料低价政策搬过来,成为邮电部门内内外外的错误教条,这种影响至今还在某些人的脑子起作用,“君不见苏联 I. Renewing the Old Concept of China’s Posts and Telecommunications with the Concept of a Socialist and Planned Commodity Economy Studying the theory of post and telecommunications prices (tariffs) can not sidestep the discussion and determination of the nature of post and telecommunications. After the liberation, the nature of China’s post and telecommunications sector has had a debate that the postal service is a service or a business enterprise. At that time, the guiding ideology of the left occupied the dominant position and only allowed service. It was not allowed to mention running a business and criticized the point of view of running a business. There is a saying that public utilities are inherently social services, can only say “social benefits.” Of course, to make money, but also lose money service, postal and telecommunications are both public utilities, “money service” is a matter of course. Here the confused issue between public utilities and the different nature of running public utilities does not make any difference, so that postal workers have more thoughts. In the 1950s, when the planned economy was started, the “product economy” theory of the Soviet Union, which deny commodity economy and nature economics, and the low-cost policy of means of production were moved in to become the wrong dogma inside and outside the post and telecommunications departments. As of today, In the minds of some people, "Do not you see the Soviet Union
下面我们根据研究结果,列举出一些有特长儿童的特征,以帮助家长发现自己孩子所具有的特殊才能。 1.成就感较强的孩子。对取得特殊成就领域内的活动有长时间的注意;具有对特
1.连杆轴瓦的刮配 将带轴瓦的连杆,按规定方向装在相应的轴颈上,拧紧连杆盖螺栓到连杆有阻力时,然后往复转动连杆,使轴瓦与轴颈摩擦,拆下连杆盖观察轴瓦的接触印痕,并进行刮
江 西省家长函授学校(以下简称省家长学校)创办于1992年 ,发展到如今已拥有15个分校(地市及大型企业一级)、85个函授站(县、市、区一级)、800多个教学点(中小学和幼儿园一级)和每年有10多万名家长
由Synthesis Design+Architecture Inc.和深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司联合设计的“上海五洲国际广场”方案荣获该项目设计方案竞赛一等奖。这个以“都市峡谷”命名的方案
受邮电部邮政总局和教育局委托,全国主任视察员和大市局邮政处(科)长邮政法进修班,将于1986年6月1日在西安邮电学院开学。该班是为适应我国邮政法颁布后, Entrusted by the
通过体育锻炼,冠心病患者的运动能力可以增加,但对其机理尚有争论。Claugen 等认为体育锻炼引起的骨骼肌变化可减少肾上腺素能传出刺激,从而降低心肌氧耗量。另一方面,Eckst