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  他抽Camel 牌的香烟,姿势淡定而又模糊。有微蹙的眉头和一身利落的黑。常常隐在地铁站昏暗的角落中,不看人亦不看风景。烟雾包围住他那张棱角分明的脸,像是隔了一世的恩怨情仇。
  Turning Left,Turning Right
  Behind the flourishing scene they turn round to find the warmth in loneliness at last. Nevertheless they are destined to brush past each other in this life and wait for a period of five hundred years until they meet again in the next world.
  Smoking a Camel, he has a vaguely indifferent carriage. Neatly dressed in black, slightly knitting his brows, he often stands in a dim corner of the subway station, oblivious to passengers or views there. Cigarette smoke clouds over his angular face as if veiling the feeling of gratitude and resentment he had in the previous life.
  Each day she buys a paper cup of pure milk, drinks it at a mouthful like a thirsty little animal. Her silver earrings, now visible and now hidden in the red brown hair, are as restless as her young soul. She has gone to a great number of cities with a Teddy Bear tied to the schoolbag she carries everywhere. She wanders and wanders.
  He is accustomed to such a life. Day after day he waits fro the train and expects a nice surprise in life. Once in a while he goes dancing and dances for the whole night, drinks a little wine, returns home at dawn, takes a shower, looks at the sky before sunrise and remains silent. Not talkative, he likes to cast a quick glance to appease his sorrow and live astable life. Feeling lonely in the city, he hides his frailties in the dark.
  Consequently he often feels that his life is helplessly devoid of meaning.
  She dislikes rainy days as much as she hates tears. Waiting in life embitters her. She has had too much experience. She can do nothing buy keeps knocking about so as to look for the home she has dreamt of. She is a visitor in the city, a place she will never love in her life. Blood of freedom circulates in her body, which is the fact that nobody is able to change.
  She is accustomed to talking with strangers, in whom she has never reposed full confidence and to whom she has never talked about love. She thinks it is not worthwhile.
  His parents divorced when he was seven years old. Bereft of love, his mother almost drove him and herself mad. His family was filled with lurking despair that spring, when it was as chilly as in winter. Nevertheless, he was a firm, unyielding and excellent pupil. He learned to show forbearance in dealing with people and bury his grief in an unknown place of his heart.
  Her parents divorced when she was seven. Later her mother tried to commit suicide. Even at that moment, she learned that love was nothing but an unbelievable fairy tale. She went to live with her aunt and was brought up there. The experience of her being a dependant ever since she was a little childmakes her have a dream of flying like a bird in the blue sky and over the clear water.
  She has no lofty aspirations other than vagrancy. She thinks the simplicity of vagrant life is the only way that will truly save his soul.
  He and she meet in the city.
  An obscure expression settles on the corners of his mouth but he has a desire for vehement life. There is a frank look in her eyes but she needs a man's shoulder to rely against.
  Every day they brush past each other in the subway to know their existence in the world. The only thing they actually do is that with eyes narrowed in a sunny morning, each calls to mind the details of the other. They never think of becoming closer friends in fear of breaking up a beauty.
  They believe the proverb: It'd be better to miss a person than to meet him.
  In fact he likes to see her breeze-like face. However he can't travel with her to probe into the essence of life. If he did, he could see so many beautiful views on their journey. But he is scared by his childhood experience. He is not willing to give up the stable life in the city.
  She likes to steel a glance at him from behind, thinking he is a man full of stories and there are many treasures uncovered in him. But she can't stop traveling about. She can't give up her colorful way of life to become an ordinary housewife. Her childhood experience urges her to fly over to the distant place.
  Consequently she sets off on a journey to a city lighted by the sun all the year round.
  Since then he has never seen her again.
  There is not much change in his life except that he drinks a cup of milk at a mouthful after he wakes up. He smiles and feels warm when thinking of the woman with red and long hair he has met in the subway.
  She climbs up a high mountain, where she is able to touch the damp clouds when she stretches her hand. She learned to smoke on the train and at last perceives the loneliness the man has when he smokes in the subway station. She bursts into tears on the top of the mountain.
  But they have made the irrevocable choice of missing rather than meeting each other.
分析大量数据只是大数据不同于以前数据分析的部分因素。了解其他三个因素是什么。  人类每天都在吃饭、睡觉、工作和玩耍,这产生了数据——非常非常多的数据。据IBM,人类每天产生2.5垓字节(250十亿个十亿)的数据。这相当于堆叠到月球又返回来的DVD碟片,包括了从我们发送的文本和我们上传的照片,直至工业传感器数据和机器到机器通信的所有数据。  这就是为什么“大数據”成为如此常见用语的主要原因。简单地说
入选理由 作为面向全社会公布的“第一份”国家版的教育质量年报——《2012中国高等职业教育人才培养质量年度报告》,是高等职业学校办学者、管理者与教学者梳理过去、厘清现状、展望未来的一种努力与尝试。  事件回放 近年来,高等职业教育得到了快速发展,无论是高职院校的数量还是招生规模,都已经占据了我国高等教育的“半壁江山”。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020 年)》明确要求,把提高质
陆烨, 南京市市级机关第一幼儿园专职美术教师,南京市幼儿美术教研组成员。基于陆老师多年突出的富有创意的儿童美术教育实践,本刊自去年起特约她开设专栏“路远兮亲子创艺馆”。今年,陆老师策划设计了一组系列稿件《藏在诗词里的创意手工》。一定能给您和孩子的亲子互动时间增添不一样的文化体验。  咏柳  〔唐〕贺知章  碧玉妆成一树高,  万条垂下绿丝绦。  不知细叶谁裁出,  二月春风似剪刀。  诗词大意:高
8月18~23日,由山东省教育厅、山东省人民政府台湾事务办公室、潍坊市人民政府和台湾海峡两岸教育交流促进协会联合主办的“第七届鲁台职业教育交流与合作研讨会”在潍坊召开。台湾海峡两岸教育交流促进协会傅元湘副理事长率领4所科技大学、8所中职学校的校长和潍坊国家职教试验区台湾专家顾问团成员等24位专家学者来潍参加研讨会;山东省“3 4”分段培养模式的各中职学校负责人,潍坊市与台湾进行全面对接的中职学校负
入选理由 把推动校企合作作为构建服务型职业教育体系的重要工作抓手,在全国率先出台针对职业教育校企合作的地方性法规,并通过一系列配套政策措施,促进校企深度合作。  亮点 2006年10月26日,宁波市人民政府出台《关于加快构建服务型职业教育体系的若干意见》,提出构建服务型职教体系要“牢牢把握服务于人的发展、服务于学生就业、服务于地方经济”这一主线。在服务地方经济过程中,把服务于学生的全面发展、服务学
孔子说:“视其所以,观其所由,察其所安,人焉廋哉?人焉廋哉?”其实,观察一个人的富贵观,可能比观察一个人的行为、经历、习惯,更能深入地了解一个人。对比先秦诸子的富贵观,就是这样一件有趣、有益的事。  纵横家对富贵的渴求表现得最直接。苏秦认为士子“屈首受书”,目的就在取“尊荣”。他们认为,“富贵则亲戚畏惧之,贫贱则轻易之”,不能获得富贵,意味着人生的失败;获得富贵,则代表着人生价值的实现。  法家则
新型冠状病毒来势汹汹,但是住校的我浑然不觉。只记得有老师曾提了几句,不过我并未将其放在心上——SARS暴发时,我尚未出生,因而我对于这些疾病的严重性基本没什么概念。后来,忙于期末考试的我更是将它抛到九霄云外。  真正开始被疫情影响,是在一个下午。父亲和我回家的车从汉口站始发,而汉口火车站距离华南海鲜市场仅仅十分钟的路程。以防万一,父亲出去买口罩,不料数个小时后才回来。经过询问得知,父亲跑了好几家药