这更激起了张素兰心中的斗志:“让更多人了解中国。”她咬牙坚持,并尽量入乡随俗。德隆电视台的台名、台标都是当地征集来的。德隆是当地一座有名的山,电视台以此为名,也是一种尊重。另外,她还想了许多招数,比如对老年人优惠、对军人免费,以及给观众送生日祝福等等,以此来拉近与当地居民的距离。 在德隆电视台,如今有一项不成文的规定,似乎比绩效考核更有诱惑力——工作优秀的吉国员工,将获得免费到中国旅游的机会。
Zhang Sulan Operates TV Station in Kyrgyzstan
By Li Yan, Guo Yanping
Zhang Sulan, a native of Zhejiang, started DolonTV in Kyrgyzstan in 2005. Now, DolonTV has grown into the second largest television network that offers 117 channels in Russian, English, and Chinese to the audience in the country in Central Asia. To maintain diversity, DolonTV also operates four regular channels of its own.
Zhang’s adventures in Kyrgyzstan had started long before 2005. The communication equipment business she and her husband operated had long since firmly established itself in the business of network communications. After learning in 2005 that there was an opportunity to set up and run a television studio, she decided to try. After all, the television hardware didn’t differ very much from network communication, she reasoned.
Investment was a big issue. She raised funds through her own network and economized. Today, the furniture in her office at DolonTV is still all she and her family had brought from home China and installed piece by piece personally. The biggest challenge, however, was not financial. Back then, the local people did not know very much about China. They were almost clueless about television programs from China, thinking China was a backward country. At the beginning years, Zhang’s main task was to communicate with the local authorities even though she hardly spoke the local language. Zhang had been prepared for such difficulties. But the biggest challenge, however, came unexpectedly from some of her colleagues at DolonTV. She had planned to broadcast programs of CCTV, China’s largest television network, in Kyrgyzstan. But the chief engineer, a local Kyrgyzstani, said no point blankly. “The people of Kyrgyzstan don’t watch any Chinese TV program. What is the good of getting the channel in?” asked the chief engineer.
Zhang’s husband talked with the chief engineer through an interpreter for more than a week before the chief engineer changed his mind and agreed to broadcast the CCTV signal to the whole country.
In the first few years, Zhang had difficulties working with her local personnel. DolonTV employs about 100 locals. In the first few years, the employee turnover was fast. Some worked for a day or two before they quit. Some wanted to take a week-long leave based on seemingly unbelievable grounds. To increase employee loyalty, Zhang took some measures. The best policy, though unwritten, is an opportunity to take a tour in China for free. The itinerary, designed by Zhang personally, includes six stops: Xinjiang where employees can embrace the vastness of China, Jinhua where employees can visit the headquarters of the company, Hengdian where employees can see Asia’s biggest filmmaking powerhouse, Yiwu where employees can eyeball the world’s biggest wholesale marketplace of household commodities, Hangzhou where employees can enjoy and experience the city’s leisurely lifestyle and scenic West Lake, and Shanghai where employees can see the ritzy prosperity and majesty of the international metropolis.
This free tour has worked. Those who took and enjoyed the incentive trip praise China to their colleagues. Now the workforce at the television studio is quite stable. Zhang has made a lot of friends with local people. Some people have sent their children to study Chinese at Zhejiang Normal University through the arrangements of Zhang.
Zhang believe it is through effective cultural exchanges that her employees have changed their opinions about China. At first they were reluctant to broadcast China’s programs. Now they suggest offering a Chinese learning course in one of the four channels DolonTV makes.
In order to make DolonTV popular, Zhang has introduced Chinese contents ingeniously to the audience in Kyrgyzstan. To make a Chinese culture acceptable to the local audience in Kyrgyzstan, Zhang discovered the hard way that simple translation doesn’t work. Since 2012, DolonTV has broadcast Chinese documentaries and made programs on Zhejiang Culture Week and Yiwu Small Commodities City. These programs appeal to the mainstream audience in Kyrgyzstan.
“In the past, people learned about China and Chinese people through Chinese commodities and Chinese business people. Now we learn more about China through DolonTV, which have changed most people’s opinion about China and Chinese people,” commented a government official of national communication department of Kyrgyzstan.
“We are looking forward to playing a bigger role in Kyrgyzstan, not only in television services, but also in policy, equipment, trade, finance, and people-to-people communications between China and Kyrgyzstan,” says Zhang Sulan. She firmly believes that DolonTV will have a bright future thanks to the benefits of the Belt & Road Initiative.
这更激起了张素兰心中的斗志:“让更多人了解中国。”她咬牙坚持,并尽量入乡随俗。德隆电视台的台名、台标都是当地征集来的。德隆是当地一座有名的山,电视台以此为名,也是一种尊重。另外,她还想了许多招数,比如对老年人优惠、对军人免费,以及给观众送生日祝福等等,以此来拉近与当地居民的距离。 在德隆电视台,如今有一项不成文的规定,似乎比绩效考核更有诱惑力——工作优秀的吉国员工,将获得免费到中国旅游的机会。
Zhang Sulan Operates TV Station in Kyrgyzstan
By Li Yan, Guo Yanping
Zhang Sulan, a native of Zhejiang, started DolonTV in Kyrgyzstan in 2005. Now, DolonTV has grown into the second largest television network that offers 117 channels in Russian, English, and Chinese to the audience in the country in Central Asia. To maintain diversity, DolonTV also operates four regular channels of its own.
Zhang’s adventures in Kyrgyzstan had started long before 2005. The communication equipment business she and her husband operated had long since firmly established itself in the business of network communications. After learning in 2005 that there was an opportunity to set up and run a television studio, she decided to try. After all, the television hardware didn’t differ very much from network communication, she reasoned.
Investment was a big issue. She raised funds through her own network and economized. Today, the furniture in her office at DolonTV is still all she and her family had brought from home China and installed piece by piece personally. The biggest challenge, however, was not financial. Back then, the local people did not know very much about China. They were almost clueless about television programs from China, thinking China was a backward country. At the beginning years, Zhang’s main task was to communicate with the local authorities even though she hardly spoke the local language. Zhang had been prepared for such difficulties. But the biggest challenge, however, came unexpectedly from some of her colleagues at DolonTV. She had planned to broadcast programs of CCTV, China’s largest television network, in Kyrgyzstan. But the chief engineer, a local Kyrgyzstani, said no point blankly. “The people of Kyrgyzstan don’t watch any Chinese TV program. What is the good of getting the channel in?” asked the chief engineer.
Zhang’s husband talked with the chief engineer through an interpreter for more than a week before the chief engineer changed his mind and agreed to broadcast the CCTV signal to the whole country.
In the first few years, Zhang had difficulties working with her local personnel. DolonTV employs about 100 locals. In the first few years, the employee turnover was fast. Some worked for a day or two before they quit. Some wanted to take a week-long leave based on seemingly unbelievable grounds. To increase employee loyalty, Zhang took some measures. The best policy, though unwritten, is an opportunity to take a tour in China for free. The itinerary, designed by Zhang personally, includes six stops: Xinjiang where employees can embrace the vastness of China, Jinhua where employees can visit the headquarters of the company, Hengdian where employees can see Asia’s biggest filmmaking powerhouse, Yiwu where employees can eyeball the world’s biggest wholesale marketplace of household commodities, Hangzhou where employees can enjoy and experience the city’s leisurely lifestyle and scenic West Lake, and Shanghai where employees can see the ritzy prosperity and majesty of the international metropolis.
This free tour has worked. Those who took and enjoyed the incentive trip praise China to their colleagues. Now the workforce at the television studio is quite stable. Zhang has made a lot of friends with local people. Some people have sent their children to study Chinese at Zhejiang Normal University through the arrangements of Zhang.
Zhang believe it is through effective cultural exchanges that her employees have changed their opinions about China. At first they were reluctant to broadcast China’s programs. Now they suggest offering a Chinese learning course in one of the four channels DolonTV makes.
In order to make DolonTV popular, Zhang has introduced Chinese contents ingeniously to the audience in Kyrgyzstan. To make a Chinese culture acceptable to the local audience in Kyrgyzstan, Zhang discovered the hard way that simple translation doesn’t work. Since 2012, DolonTV has broadcast Chinese documentaries and made programs on Zhejiang Culture Week and Yiwu Small Commodities City. These programs appeal to the mainstream audience in Kyrgyzstan.
“In the past, people learned about China and Chinese people through Chinese commodities and Chinese business people. Now we learn more about China through DolonTV, which have changed most people’s opinion about China and Chinese people,” commented a government official of national communication department of Kyrgyzstan.
“We are looking forward to playing a bigger role in Kyrgyzstan, not only in television services, but also in policy, equipment, trade, finance, and people-to-people communications between China and Kyrgyzstan,” says Zhang Sulan. She firmly believes that DolonTV will have a bright future thanks to the benefits of the Belt & Road Initiative.