患儿男,第1胎第1产,生后2天,因“吐沫、呛奶2天”入院。查体:生命体征平稳,体重3 200 g。精神反应尚可,口唇无发绀。双肺呼吸音粗,可闻及散在湿啰音。心尖搏动最强点位于右侧锁骨中线第5肋间,未闻及明显杂音。腹部平坦,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,腹壁静脉无显露,肠鸣音正常。胃管置入约5 cm处受阻。X线胸片及腹部平片:心尖位于右侧,肝脏位于左上腹,胃泡位于右上腹,符合镜面右位心表现;两肺纹理增重。心脏彩色多普勒超声:镜
Children male, the first birth of the first child, 2 days after birth, because of “spittle, choking milk 2 days ” admission. Physical examination: vital signs stable, weighing 3 200 g. Mental reaction is acceptable, no cyanosis lips. Breath sounds coarse lungs, can be heard and scattered wet rales. The strongest apex beats in the right intercostal midline 5th intercostal space, no smell and obvious noise. Abdomen flat, no gastrointestinal and peristaltic waves, abdominal veins without revealing, bowel sounds normal. Stomach tube into about 5 cm blocked. X-ray and abdominal plain film: apex is located on the right, the liver is located in the left upper quadrant, the stomach is located in the right upper quadrant of the stomach, in line with the mirror right centripetal performance; two lungs weight gain. Heart color Doppler ultrasound: mirror