贵州多山,高原山地和丘陵占全省总面积的92.5%,是我国唯一一个没有平 原支撑的省份,特殊的地质形态,与特定的海拔、纬度、气候相结合,造就了一 座山奇水秀的“绿色喀斯特王国”。贵州又是中国的少数民族主要聚居区之一, 少数民族人口占全省人口的1/3左右。世界上最大的苗寨、侗寨,最古老的东 方“情人节”、美妙动听的侗族大歌、历史悠久的水书等,都掩藏在贵州大山深 处的各种民族村寨里。偏远的地理位置和不便的交通,成就了这里珍贵的原生态 环境,为世界保留了一大批多民族文化遗产,但人多地少的矛盾和经济发展的滞 后,也使得这里贫困程度较深。
Guizhou mountainous, plateau mountains and hills account for 92.5% of the total area of the province, is the only one in China without plain support provinces, special geological forms, and a specific combination of elevation, latitude and climate, creating a wonderful mountain water show “Green Karst Kingdom ”. Guizhou is another major enclave of ethnic minorities in China, with the minority population accounting for about one third of the province’s population. The world’s largest Miao Village, Dong Village, the oldest East, “Valentine’s Day”, beautiful and lively Dong national songs, historic water book, are hidden in various ethnic villages deep in the mountains of Guizhou. Remote geographical location and inconvenient traffic, the achievements of the precious original ecological environment here, for the world to retain a large number of multi-ethnic cultural heritage, but less people and less economic contradiction and economic development, but also makes the depth of poverty here.