NJ1型 0 0 0 1号交流传动机车于 1999年 12月 2日按部运装技检 [1999]2 99号文到达淄博机务段临时支配 ,经整备后于 1999年 12月 9日到达东风编组站一调开始运用考核 ,至 2 0 0 1年 1月 5日已运用一年多。NJ1型 0 0 0 1号机车技术状态的记录及运用考核月报编制按“接车会议
NJ1 Type 0 0 0 1 AC locomotive arrived in Zibo locomotive depot on December 2, 1999 according to the Ministry of Transportation [J] [1999] No. 99 document, after the preparation, it arrived at Dongfeng formation on December 9, 1999 The station started to use a test assessment, January 5, 2001 has been used for more than a year. NJ1 0 0 0 locomotive record of the technical status and assessment of the monthly report prepared by the "car meeting