上学权不容剥夺 法律为你撑腰——我国首例残疾中学生状告报考学校侵犯受教育权始末

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近年来,随着社会文明的进步和残疾人事业的进展,每年进入中等和高等学府的残疾考生越来越多。但是剥夺残疾考生受教育权益的事例还年有发生。这里刊发考生王伟被拒之校门外的事便是九七年的一例。在当今我们不能再把拒绝残疾考生入学的现象只看作是道德范畴、思想意识上的问题,而应看作是一种侵权行为、违法行为。因此,利用法律武器保护自己受教育权利,也是每一个残疾考生的权利。 今年的中考高考将至,我们不希望再发生侵犯残疾考生受教育权益的事情,但这不等于类似王伟的事件不会发生。然而我们可以相信像王伟一样懂得也敢于理直气壮拿起法律武器的人越来越多。我们希望全国所有院校都能依法保护残疾考生的受教育权益。我们的每一个基层残联组织都应密切关注残疾考生的情况,一当问题发生,就象平顶山市残联一样积极热情主动帮助残疾考生扫除障碍,维护权益。 In recent years, with the progress of social civilization and the progress of the cause of handicapped persons, more and more handicapped candidates have entered the middle and higher education institutions every year. However, there are also instances of deprivation of the right to education of disabled candidates. The publication of the case where candidate Wang Wei was denied access to the school here is an example of 1997. Nowadays, we can no longer regard the refusal of students with disabilities to enroll in schools as a mere category of ethics and ideological issues, but as a kind of infringement and illegal act. Therefore, the use of legal weapons to protect their right to education is also the right of every disabled candidate. This year’s senior high school entrance exam approaching, we do not want to happen again infringed the rights of disabled candidates, but this does not mean that events like Wang Wei does not happen. However, we can believe more and more people like Wang Wei who know how to dare to confidently uphold legal weapons. We hope that all the institutions and institutions in our country can protect the educational rights and interests of disabled candidates according to law. Each of our grass-roots organizations should pay close attention to the disabled candidates, when the problem occurs, just as the enthusiasm of Pingdingshan CDPF initiative to help disabled candidates to remove obstacles and safeguard their rights and interests.
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