Fiber in-line Fabry–Pérot interferometer for simultaneous measurement of reflective index and temper

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A fiber in-line Fabry–Pérot interferometer is presented. The sensing head consists of a micro ellipsoidal air cavity and a small section of solid-core photonic crystal fiber. The reflective index(RI) and temperature can be interrogated simultaneously through a fast Fourier transform and by tracing the dip wavelength shift of the reflective spectrum. Experimental results show that the RI amplitude and wavelength sensitivities are 5.30/RIU and 8.46 × 10~(-1)nm∕RIU in the range from 1.34 to 1.43,and the temperature amplitude and wavelength sensitivities are 6.8×10~(-4)∕°C and 2.48×10~(-3)nm∕°C in the range from 15°C to 75°C,respectively. Easy fabrication,a simple system,and simultaneous measurement make it appropriate for dual-parameter sensing application. The sensing head consists of a micro ellipsoidal air cavity and a small section of solid-core photonic crystal fiber. The reflective index (RI) and temperature can be interrogated simultaneously through a fast Fourier transform and by tracing the dip wavelength shift of the reflective spectrum. Experimental results show that the RI amplitude and wavelength sensitivities are 5.30 / RIU and 8.46 × 10 -1 nm / RIU in the range from 1.34 to 1.43, and the temperature amplitude and wavelength sensitivities are 6.8 × 10 -4 / ° C and 2.48 × 10 -3 nm / ° C in the range from 15 ° C to 75 ° C, respectively. Easy fabrication, a simple system, and simultaneous measurement make it appropriate for dual-parameter sensing application.
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