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语言学,这门古老而又年轻的科学,为古今中外许多学者所涉身。然而对其首要问题——什么是语言,在长期的众说纷纭之中,却仅仅取得了高层次的共识,为语言学界所共认不悖的只有:语言是信息,是符号,是信号等有限观点。看来,若深入研究浯言学,必须以这有限的共识为基础,即必须具体地回答:语言究竟是什么性质的信号。经过长期的探索终于发现:语言是客观事物的附加信号。这就是我们的大语言观赖以确立的客观依据或理论基础。 信号是由眼、耳、鼻、舌、身等感官感知的。附加信号是相对于客观事物自身所具有的自然信号而言的。比如,苹果自身就具有许多自然信号:看着是红或绿黄色的球体,嗅着有芳香的气味,尝着有甜酸的口味, Linguistics, an ancient and young science, is covered by many scholars both at home and abroad. However, its primary question, what is language, has only reached a high level of consensus among the long-term divergent opinions. Only for the linguistics community are the unanimous ones: language is information, is the symbol, is the limited view of the signal . It seems that if one studies on vernacular theory in depth, it must base itself on this limited consensus that one must specifically answer the question of what the nature of language is. After a long period of exploration, it was finally discovered that language is an additional signal of objective things. This is the objective basis or theoretical foundation for the establishment of our great language view. The signal is perceived by the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and other senses. The additional signal is relative to the natural signal that the objective thing itself has. For example, Apple itself has many natural signals: watching the ball is red or green and yellow, smell aromatic smell, taste the taste of sweet and sour,
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