看过影片《柯棣华大夫》的人谁也无法复述出它的完整故事。然而,有谁能说它不是—个动人的故事呢? 这里没有惊天动地的事件,没有扣人心弦的情节,人物之间没有尖锐的矛盾冲突,人物内心没有大起大落的跌宕,它是不激不昂的叙述出来的一个普通人的故事。那么,是什么东西在吸引着我们,使我们时而放声大笑,时而热泪盈眶,直至影片映完后还会久久地沉思?是它们——一些组成这部影片的生动的细节,一些被伟大而高尚的“情”所串连在一起的细节。这些细节,象是一条条汇成幽潭的涓涓细流,看起来令人心旷神怡。一台打字机这台贯串影片始终的打字机,是白求恩大夫留下来的,柯棣华生前一直使用着它。这台打字机把两个国籍不同、经历不同的国际友人,一个白大夫,一个黑医生联系了起来,又把他们和中国联系了起来,奏
Who read the film “Dr. Ke Dihua,” who can not repeat it’s complete story. However, can anyone say that it is not a moving story? There are no earth-shattering events, no exciting episodes, no acute contradictions between characters, no ups and downs in the hearts of the characters, and it is an unscrupulous narrative Out of an ordinary human story. So, what is attracting us, making us laugh sometimes, sometimes with tears, long after the movie is over? Yes - some of the vivid details that make up this movie, The noble “love” string together in the details. These details, like a trickle into a quiet pool, looks relaxed and happy. A typewriter, the consistent typewriter for the film, was left by Dr. Bethune, who had been using it for a while. This typewriter linked two different nationalities, different international friends, a white doctor and a black doctor, and brought them back into contact with China