叩响了位于北京西郊著名作家周而复先生的家门。门开了,周老那熟悉的总是和蔼愉快的面容出现在我面前。 周老近年来的一项巨大工程,就是完成《长城万里图》六卷本的超长篇小说创作。几年来他耕耘不止,这部长达370多万字的巨著,是他自《上海的早晨》之后的又一力作。每天上午,是他固定的创作时间。这时,他就心驰神往地徜徉在他所塑造的众多人物中间,或嬉,或笑,或怒,或骂……
Knocked on the door of the famous writer Zhou Hefu in the western suburbs of Beijing. The door opened, Zhou Lao always familiar kind of pleasant face appeared in front of me. A great project of Zhou Lao in recent years is the creation of a super long novel of the six volumes of the Great Wall Miles Picture. He has worked hard for several years. This masterpiece, which has more than 3.7 million words, is another masterpiece he has made since the morning of Shanghai. Every morning, is his fixed creative time. At this moment, he was fascinated by the numerous characters he had shaped, or played, or laughed, or angered, or cursed ...