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   Russians love to smoke. In fact, 40% of them do. That’s 44 million people lighting up in restaurants, bars and on public transport. But that was before. Now, if you want to smoke in Russia, you’re exiled to the pavement. Almost 400,000 Russians died from smoking-related diseases in 2012, and so President Putin has brought in a new law in a bid to improve public health.
   Student: (via translator) I think that it’s right not to smoke in public places. You have to respect the interests of non-smokers because the air is public. To make it dirtier is bad.
   This law expands on one brought in last year, which banned people smoking in workplaces, housing block stairwells, buses and commuter trains, as well as within 15 metres of train stations and airports. Now the ban has extended to restaurants. Many of them have emptied.
   Igor Bukharov (Pres. of Moscow Restaurant Federation): (via translator) We are seeing less clients. It’s not clear when they will come back. We asked for the law to be introduced in the summer so people could go onto the streets and smoke there. That would make the transition smoother.
   As part of the new law, too, cigarettes can no longer be put on display in shops or sold in kiosks. But with so many smokers’ minds to change, many think there is only one way this ban will work.
   Resident: (via translator) Only a system of fines will help to solve this. In Russia, the best punishment is a fine. Fines regulate everything. It’s like with the safety belts. When the fines were raised, everybody started to fasten them.
   Since the tax on cigarettes went up last year, the government says fewer people now smoke. Those that still do have taken to the streets this week to obey the law, but the true test of this new ban will be in a few months when we’ll see if smokers will still go outside for a cigarette in the cold Russian winter.
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