中国广播电视网络经过多年的建设,目前有超过9000万户有线电视用户,光纤有线电视网络(Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Network:HFC)已经得到了广泛的普及。许多城市实现了部分网络的双向化改造,通过Cable Modem实现宽带数据接入。以太网无源光网络(Ethemet Passive Optical Network:EPON)是当今世界上新兴的覆盖最后一公里的宽带光纤接入技术,中间采用光分路等无源设备,单纤接入各个用户点(ONU),更多地节省光缆资源,并具
After many years of construction, China’s broadcasting network now has more than 90 million cable subscribers, and Fiber Channel Network (HFC) has gained widespread popularity. Many cities realized the bidirectional transformation of some networks and achieved broadband data access through Cable Modem. Ethemet Passive Optical Network (EPON) is the emerging broadband optical fiber access technology covering the last kilometer in the world today. Passive optical splitters and other passive devices are used in the middle. Single-fiber access to each user point (ONU ), Save more cable resources, and with