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本研究室以往曾发现小檗碱具有预防脑缺血短期(7d)再灌流海马CA1迟发性神经元坏死(DND)的作用。本研究采用Pulsinelli-Brierley四血管阻塞(4VO)致大鼠全脑缺血模型,观察了小檗碱对脑缺血(2min)长期再灌流后海马的影响,并对脑缺血经短、长期再灌流对照及用药组大鼠进行了Morris水迷宫学习记忆能力检测。结果显示,小檗碱能有效的保护海马CA1区锥体细胞免于脑缺血后DND,经长期(3个月)再灌流后这种保护作用依然存在,细胞密度为168个/mm,占正常80.5%;对脑缺血经长期再灌流引起的海马CA2、CA3、CA4继发性神经无死亡也有明显的对抗作用。脑缺血短期(10d)再灌流后,大鼠表现为明显的学习障碍,潜伏期延长,但经多次训练后,大鼠在原平台象限泳距比其它非平台象限都显著长,表明尚有良好的空间记忆能力;脑缺血经长期再灌流后,其空间学习障碍加重、记忆能力也受到严重影响。而用药组缺血大鼠无论短期或长期再灌流后,均保存了良好的空间学习、记忆能力。表明脑缺血经长期再灌流后,海马的形态和学习、记忆能力比短期再灌时将进一步受损害,而小檗碱不但对短期再灌流有保护作用,对长期再灌流的进一步损害也有明显的? In the past, we found that berberine can prevent the delayed neuronal necrosis (DND) of hippocampal CA1 after cerebral ischemic reperfusion (7d) in short term. In this study, Pulsinelli-Brierley four-vessel occlusion (4VO) induced rat model of global cerebral ischemia, berberine on cerebral ischemia (2min) after long-term reperfusion in the hippocampus and cerebral ischemia by short and long Reperfusion control and drug-treated rats Morris water maze learning and memory test. The results showed that berberine can effectively protect the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells from cerebral ischemia after DND, after long-term (3 months) after reperfusion, this protective effect still exists, the cell density of 168 / mm, accounting for Normal 80.5%; there was obvious antagonistic effect on the secondary neurons of hippocampal CA2, CA3 and CA4 after long-term reperfusion induced cerebral ischemia. Short-term (10d) reperfusion in rats, the rats showed obvious learning disabilities, the incubation period is prolonged, but after repeated training, the rats swimming in the original platform quadrant than the other non-platform quadrants were significantly longer, indicating that there is good Of spatial memory; cerebral ischemia after long-term reperfusion, the spatial learning disabilities worsened, memory is also seriously affected. However, the rats in the treatment group had good spatial learning and memory abilities, no matter short-term or long-term reperfusion. After long-term reperfusion, the hippocampus morphology and learning and memory ability will be further impaired than short-term reperfusion, while berberine not only has a protective effect on short-term reperfusion, but also further damages to long-term reperfusion. of?
第51届中国国际医疗器械博览会于2004年4月12日~16日在武汉国际会展中心举行。中国国际医疗器械博览会(原全国医疗器械博览会,China International Medical Equipment Fair,
统计推断是统计分析工作的进一步深化,即在统计描述的基础上,根据样本提供的信息,对总体情况做出具有一定概率保证的估计和判断,包括参数估计和假设检验二方面内容。 1 参数